雪国の華 Essence of the Snow Country

来自北纬40°以北的日本艺术家们  Artists from Japan’s 40th Parallel


说起北海道(日本),你们会作何感想呢? 通过本次展览会的那些北海道艺术家,让我也重新认识了北海道,在我的脑海里浮现出了本次展览的主题,这就是「可持续性」。艺术家们的年龄也好表现手法也好虽然各有千秋,但却有着共通的创作背景,他们都是在与自然密切接触中进行着艺术创作活动。




We are proud to present “Essence of the Snow Country”. For the first time in China, the exhibition brings together the work of 11 contemporary artists and several pieces of designed furniture from the island of Hokkaido – Japan’s 40th parallel and most northern prefecture.

Separated from the ‘mainland’ of Japan by the Tsugaru Strait, Hokkaido has it’s own unique culture (in the Ainu – Hokkaido’s indigenous people), it’s own geography, climate and ecology. The Tsugaru Strait is a major zoogeographical boundary –the animals in Hokkaido are related to Northern Asian species, whereas those on Honshu to the south are related to Southern Asian species. In an area comprising a fifth of Japan’s landmass, only 5% of its population lives there. It is a place of great natural harmony as well as contradictions within the context of Japan as a whole.

The practices of these 11 contemporary artists are diverse as one might expect – ranging across performance, sculpture, mixed media wallworks and installation. However, the uniting factor – the essence – of the work of all the artists, is born of ‘place’. Hokkaido (this ‘Other Japan’ of vast wilderness areas, teaming wildlife, snow-peaked mountains, frozen seas and bubbling hot springs in Siberian winters) is the unseen hand at work.

Undercurrent themes in the show relate to ‘sustainability’ and co-existence with nature. The artists collectively put on a show of unexpected, often surreal and poignant combinations of the natural and the synthetic/technical – wood, milk, video, antiseptic, steel, ink, drums, balloons; the materials list of the works on display is a statement in itself.





雪国の華 Essence of the Snow Country

Artists from Japan’s 40th Parallel

2009/06/20 – 2009/07/19 13:00-18:00 (月休)

Venue: M50 Creative Garden, Vanguard Gallery
上海莫干山路50号 – 4号楼A座204、6号楼1F、18号楼1F (3会場)
204-A Bldg.4, Bldg.6 1F, Bldg.18 1F – 50 Moganshan Rd, 200060 Shanghai


岡部昌生 Masao Okabe, 端聡 Satoshi Hata, 高橋喜代史 Kiyshi Takahashi, 国松希根太 Kineta Kunimatsu, 祭太郎 Matsuri Taro, 今村育子 Ikuko Imamura, 武田浩志 Hiroshi Takeda, 樫見菜々子 Nanako Kashimi, 仙庭宣之 Nobuyuki Senba, 高幹雄 Mikio Taka, 森本めぐみ Megumi Morimoto

Furniture providers:
木心庵 Kishinan, 家具工房 santaro Furniture design workshop santaro, 匠工芸 Takumi Kohgei CO.,LTD,, 北匠工房 Interior Hokusho Kobo Inc., 株式会社Conde House Conde House CO.,LTD

Shanghai Sapporo Contemporary Art Committee, Vanguard Gallery, Office339

Key International Shanghai

札幌市 SAPPORO City、ASC Fine Wines

M50 Creative Garden, Ci5 Cafe&champagneBar, C’s Communication Co., Ltd