庇佑上海・・・我的摩登梦  Shanghai and its Talisman

谢敏行驻场艺术家项目  Sarah Tse Artist In Residence Program


Residency Date: 2012/10/15 - 2012/12/10
Exhibition Period: 2012/12/08 - 2013/02/02

鳥本健太 Kenta Torimoto (Office339)、
Keith Whittle (Fountain)、
芹沢高志Takashi Serizawa(P3 art and environment)

Venue: Office339 Viewing Space


  谢敏行(Sarah Tse)出生于香港,2009年毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁美术及设计学院,并以参与逾18次美术展览,足迹遍及伦敦、曼切斯特、上海、北京、东京、台北及其它城市。最近,谢敏行(Sarah Tse)更被透视杂志颁发2011年度‘40骄子’,代表亚洲40岁以下最具潜质的艺术家之一。



Sarah Tse is a young emerging New York based artist originally from Hong Kong. After graduating from Central Saint Martins College in 2009, Sarah has been exhibiting in New York, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Hong Kong and other cities.

Her solo exhibition will showcase a combination of new drawings created in Shanghai and her most recent work from the signature ‘escapism’ collection.

The pencil drawings Sarah creates are paradoxes inspired by childhood memories, travels and dreams. She draws an array of paradoxical patterns and images that produce a fragile, nostalgic, timeless, and often disturbing ambience in her drawings. She has been creating works using pencil and paper, the most basic of tools. Through her sketches, Sarah manipulates the meaning of objects, changing the way the world is interpreted.

Sarah’s recent stay in Shanghai allowed her to encapsulate her exploration and interpretation of Shanghai in the language of art. With the city’s precarious past and abundant cultural influences in mind, Sarah visited historical concession areas and mixed cultural vicinities, as well as interviewing several native Shanghainese to inquire about their memories of Old Shanghai. Sarah produced 8 pencil drawings on panels that represent her own understanding of Shanghai’s tale and memories.

 現在ニューヨークを拠点に活動する香港出身の若手アーティストSarah Tseは、2009年セントラル・セント・マーチンズ・カレッジ・オブ・アート・アンド・デザイン(Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design)を卒業、その後ニューヨーク、ロンドン、東京、上海、北京、台北、香港など様々な都市で作品を発表しており、2011年にはPerspective Magazineによる’40 Under 40’に、アジアで傑出したアーティストの1人として40歳以下の40人に選ばれるなど、国際的に認知されてきました。

 本プロジェクトは、P3 art and environment(東京)とFountain(ロンドン)の協力のもと、Office339の Artist In Residence Programとして実現。Sarah Tseが2012年10月より上海にて滞在制作した新作ドローイング作品と、本プロジェクト以前に制作された「escapism(現実逃避)」シリーズを発表いたします。



Making a drawing from people’s personal stories


2012/11/10  16:00-
Language: English, Chinese
Venue: 上海外滩美术馆 Rockbund Art Museum
圆明园路169号协进大楼1F协办: Office339




Sarah Tse was held a lecture “Making a drawing from people’s personal stories” at the Rockbund Art Museum in Shanghai on Saturday the 10th of November.

滞在制作の他、Rockbund Art Museumにて、トーク・イベント「Making a drawing from people’s personal stories」を開催しました。