Projects - SWFC 3rd Anniversary Art Project - Shanghai Gallery Selection

海上荟 Shanghai Gallery Selection


Duration:2011/11/5 – 11/13 (10:00am-20:00pm)

Galleries : 18Gallery / AIKE-DELLARCO / Art+ Shanghai Gallery / ART LABOR / Don Gallery / Eastlink Gallery / ifa gallery / James Cohan Gallery Shanghai / Leo Gallery / m97 Gallery / Other Gallery / OV Gallery / Pearl Lam Galleries / Shanghai Gallery of Art / ShanghART Gallery / stage候台BACK / Vanguard Gallery

Artists: JR, 王克平 Wang Keping / 罗晓冬 Luo Xiaodong / Cindy Ng Sio Ieng / 王青 Wang Qing / 刘任 Liu Ren / 何赛邦 He Saibang / Zane Mellupe / ROXY PAINE / 胡 任乂 Hu Renyi / 甘志强 Kum Chi Keung / Michel Wolf / 陈春林 Chen Chunlin / 周文斗 Zhou Wendou / 陈墙 Chen Qiang / Chris Jordan / 江宏庆 Jiang Hongqing / 张洹 Zhanghuan / 朱金石 Zhu Jinshi / 颜磊 Yan Lei / 慕辰(Mu Chen / 刘唯艰 Liu Weijian / 石青 Shi Qing / Gordon Chandler, Aki Lumi

Organizer: 上海环球金融中心 (SWFC) 
Curator: 鳥本健太(Office339)
Co-Curator: Lise Li (Vanguard Gallery)

Venue:上海环球金融中心 2F Convention Area
Tel:(021) 3867-2008


为纪念上海环球金融中心(SWFC)开业3周年, Office339将举办由上海17家画廊联合出展的现代艺术展览会 “海上荟 Shanghai Gallery Selection”。


我们可以自豪地说:象“海上荟 Shanghai Gallery Selection”这样一个云集了上海多家顶级画廊的展览会,在上海只有此地有!



We are pleased to announce the contemporary art exhibition “海上荟 Shanghai Gallery Selection” will be held by 17 local galleries, to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC).

In a city where galleries and exhibitions are flourishing, almost every year sees the construction of a new museum, and people have more and more opportunities to approach art, like the biennale once every other year, or art fairs involving many venues.

In that context, this exhibition aims particularly at lovers of contemporary art. Galleries most active in the contemporary art scene will display a unique, impressive and powerful show.

Those who gathered in this “海上荟 Shanghai Gallery Selection” have in common their international involvement, curation capacities, and their readiness to experiment, and to always stand on the forefront, together with artists of their time.

This exhibition has no special theme. However, by bringing together artists and pieces proudly endorsed by the top galleries in Shanghai, it promises to be the place to feel most vibrantly the liveliness of Shanghai’s contemporary art scene.


Office339ではこの度、上海環球金融中心(SWFC)の3周年を記念して、上海の17のギャラリーによる現代アートの展覧会”海上荟 Shanghai Gallery Selection”を開催いたします。


国際的に活躍し、キュレーション力をもち、ときに実験的である。そして常に同時代のアーティストと共に最前線で戦っている。”海上荟 Shanghai Gallery Selection” はそんなギャラリーが集まった、ここにしかない展覧会です。



Projects - SWFC 3rd Anniversary Art Project - Shanghai Gallery Selection