project - Learning to Go Outside with Sputniko!
Learning to Go Outside with Sputniko!
Date: 2011/6/18 (Sat) 19:00
Venue: 上海外滩美术馆
1F, XieJin Building, 169 Yuan Ming Yuan Road
Co-organized: Office339
Office339 is pleased to announce Sputniko!’s lecture “Learning to Go Outside with Sputniko!“.
Born between an English mother and a Japanese father who are Mathematics professors, Sputniko! graduated high school early to study Mathematics at Imperial College, London.
As she pursued her studies in Science, she grew interested in arts which allowed her science thinking to become more communicative and flexible, leading her to study for an MA at Royal College of Art, London. While at RCA, [Open_Sailing], a project in collaboration with Cesar Harada, received [the next idea] award at the international media arts festival Ars Electronica.
Sputniko! creates machines, films and music exploring the intersections of technology, feminism and pop culture. Her narrative works are produced via research investigation with scientists and specialists to critically investigate a possible future of human and technology.
In 2010, after her graduation from RCA, Sputniko!’s works were exhibited at the Contemporary Museum of Art, Tokyo. In Summer 2011, she will exhibit her works at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Office339ではこの度、スプツニ子!のレクチャー、「Learning to Go Outside with Sputniko!」を開催いたします。
数学者であるイギリス人の母と日本人の父の間に生まれ、自身も飛び級でロンドンの理系大学に入学。その後ひとつの筋道から論理の証明を行なう理系の思想とは異なり、より自由で多様なアプローチが可能なアートの領域に魅力を感じ、ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アート大学院に進学。在学中に発表した原田セザール実との共同プロジェクト「Open_Sailing」がメディア・アートの世界的祭典アルス・エレクトロニカで[the next idea]を受賞。
Sputniko! performs as special VJ guests!!
Date: 2011/6/17 (Fri) 23:00 till late
Venue: Node Lounge
Red Town, A2-101 No. 570 Huaihai Road West (x Hongqiao Lu)
ENT: 100RMB (bottomless cup)
INF: 135-2438-3637