project - PARADOX -SHANGHAI 1 Second-
Opening Reception: 2010 11/06 (Sat) 16:00 – 18:00
Duration: 2010 11/06 – 12/19 Tue – Sun
Organizer: EPSON
Co-organize: Office339
Venue: epSITE Epson Imaging Gallery
在epSITE即将举办日本摄影家所幸则在中国的首次个展”PARADOX -上海1second-”。
从2008年起,引入不同概念的时间轴即瞬间的One Second系列作品创作开始了。EYEMAZING(荷兰的美术摄影杂志)为其专门做了专辑等,其出色的艺术活动还在不断地继续着。
在本次展览会中将展出从涉谷开始的1 second系列作品。其中包括上海、重庆、涉谷、纽约、巴黎、汉诺威等地的摄影作品。开幕当天艺术家本人将亲临现场,同时还将举行Mystic Floor的DJ表演活动。
Office339 is please to announce Yukinori Tokoro’s the first solo exhibition in China “PARADOX -Shanghai 1 second-” at epSITE.
Yukinori Tokoro was born in 1961. After he was graduated from Osaka Art University, he started working as a freelance photographer proactively.
In 1992, his works were chosen as representing Japanese modern expressionist of the World of Imaging Fair, “Photokina’92v”. His works were high-profiled and featured in foreign magazines, and he became more active not only in Japan but internationally.
He created fantastic works with an universal image of beauty, and he proved that his world and view is the only one of its kind. His spectacular creations are almost like miracles. They seem like floating between real and unreal with such a unique vision of the world. The various art fields consider his works as far beyond just “photograph” and the creator Tokoro as a highly respected artist.
2006 With his collective artworks, “CHIAROSCURO” published by Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, he made his decision to reset his carrier period called “The 1st era of Yukinori Tokoro”. 2007 Start his new art work, “the 2nd era of Yukinori Tokoro”, by using monochrome pictures of mainly the landscapes of Shibuya, Tokyo. 2008 Start expanding his work to the series called “One Second” which represents the unique axis of time with the different concept form our usual moment.
We will show 1 second series include landspace of Shibuya, Shanghai, Chongqing, NY, Paris, etc. in this exhibition. At the opening reception, artist Tokoro will come to the gallery from Japan and also there is a music performance by Mystic Floor.
Office339ではこの度、写真家 所幸則の中国での初めてとなる個展 、”PARADOX -上海1second-”をepSITEにて開催いたします。
独特な世界観をもち、現実と非現実を浮遊しているような奇跡とも言える作品は、写真という枠組みを超え、世界的にも類いなアーティストとして各界から高い評価を得ています。しかし、2006年に美術出版社から出された集大成的作品集「CHIAROSCURO 天使に至る系譜」をもって、第一期 所幸則としてのキャリアをリセットすることを決意。2007年より、モノクロームによる東京の渋谷のランドスケープを中心に新しい第二期所幸則としての作家活動を始めます。
2008年からは、瞬間とは違った概念の時間軸を取り入れたOne Secondシリーズの制作を開始し、EYEMAZING(オランダのファインアートフォトマガジン)で特集されるなど、目覚しい活躍を続けています。
今回の展覧会では、渋谷から始まった1 secondシリーズとして、上海、重慶、渋谷、NY、パリ、ハノーバーなどの写真を展示。オープニングには、アーティスト本人も日本から来廊し、Mystic FloorによるDJパフォーマンも行ないます。