Projects - 滤镜 FILTER THE PUBLIC - SWFC Art Talk

SWFC艺术对话 Art Talk


Venue: SWFC 2楼 圆形广场  / SWFC 2F Event Circle 
Date: 11.3 sun.  11:00 -15:30

The art talks for the public. We invite artists, curators and people involved in art industry to join the discussion in the public.

1. 相聚于空:诗与诗的对话  
Gather with Emptiness: Self-made poetry dialogs

主讲人/Presenter:詹姆斯·坎特雷 James R. Cantre Morales (诗人/Poet)
对话主持者/Moderator:泼先生 Pulsasir(艺术家/Artist)


2. 华容道历险:文学与世界的可能 
Hua Rong Dao's adventure : the possibility of the literature and the world 

13:00 - 14:00
主讲人/Presenter:朱琺 Zhu Fa(文学家/Writer)   
对话主持者/Moderator:泼先生 Pulsasir (艺术家/Artist)


3. 城市公共空间与现代艺术的关系性
The relationship of urban public space & contemporary art.


南条史生 Fumio Nanjo (日本森美术馆馆长 Thedirector of the Mori Art Museum)
丁乙 Ding Yi  (艺术家 Artist)
马修 Mathieu Borysevicz (策展人 Curator / 艺术家 Artist )
双飞艺术中心 DOUBLE FLY ART CENTER (艺术团队 / Artist Group)
李振华 Li Zhenhua (媒体艺术家 Media artist / 策展人 Curator)

高铭研 Gao Mingyan (艺术家 Artist )